Bibhitak also is known as Baheda. It is one among the three ingredients of Triphala. Its fruits, leaves and roots used for medicinal purpose in Ayurveda. It is found across India especially in lower hilly areas. Bibhitak is used for asthma, constipation, headache, skin infection, weight loss, diabetes, cough, cold, and boosts immunity. It also helps to maintain the balance of Tridosha.
Baheda a medicinal tree is grown all over the country especially in the lower hilly areas. Bibhitak also is known as Baheda. It is one of three fruit of Triphala. Baheda is a laxative. It is beneficial for eyes & eye diseases, increases hair, cures soreness of throat, nose problems, purifies blood, throat diseases, cough, heart disease, and destroys germs.