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Ayurvedic Treatment of InfluenzaAyurvedic Treatment of Influenza

Influenza is an infectious disease, marked by distressing fever, depression, muscular pains, acute catarrhal inflammation of the nose, bronchi and larynx and nervous disturbances. It is caused by filterable virus and often occurs in epidemic form.

In Ayurveda it is called vata shalaishmika jwara. It usually occurs during seasonal change. During the period of seasonal change, the balance of doshas, viz. vata, pitta and kapha gets slightly disturbed due to the change of temperature and rans. If there is abnormality in the change of temperature and rainfall, then the balance of doshas gets very disturbed which results in this disease. Person who suffer from a constipation and morbidity of the nasal mucous membrane or throat are more possibility to get this disease.

Tribhvana Kriti Rasa and Anand Bhairav Rasa are very useful Ayurvedic treatment in Influenza. Pippali, haridra, ginger and tulsi are also very useful in Influenza.