Most cases of filaria are caused by a parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti. Embryos of this parasite are carried from the patient to a healthy man by blood feeding black flies and mosquitos. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Shlipada.
The early symptoms of this disease are urticaria, inflammation of the lymph glands as well as lymphatic channels, inflammation of the testicles and fever. The lymph glands become tender and the lymph channels become red, the fever usually starts with shivering and continues for one to three days. Usually the glands at the base of the thighs are primarily affected. The skin of the swollen region of the leg slowly becomes thickened and rough. After that abscesses, may appear and this may lead to ulceration. Warts are also appear over the skin and it becomes leathery. The weight of the scrotum and the swollen leg may at times cause impediment in the movements of the patient.
Filariasis is usually diagnosed by the direct demonstration of the parasite in the blood sample or skin specimen.
Nityananda ras is very common treatment for filaria. Arogya vardhini vati, kanchnaar guggulu, punarnavadi guggulu and triphala guggulu also useful in filaria.