The first of the proximal portion of the intestine is known as duodenum. The upper end of this organ is connected with the lower end of the stomach. The bile and pancreatic juices are excreted into the duodenum through their ducts. This part of the intestine plays a very important role in the digestion of food. In Ayurveda, this is known as a grahani. A duodenal ulcer is normally caused by an infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori). Ulcer in the duodenum causes colic pain, bloating, retching and felling sick. The pain normally starts after food is digested. It occurs when the patient is hungry and decreases when he takes some food.
The patient suffering from colic pain because of duodenal ulcer slowly loses weight. This is due to impairment of digestion and non-absorption of the food material.
Sukumara Ghrita, Sankha Bhasma, Maha Shankha Vati, Avipattikar Churan are effective ayurvedic formulations for Duodenal ulcer.