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Ayurvedic Treatment of Cramps

Ayurvedic Treatment of Cramps

An uncontrolled and painful contraction of a voluntary muscle or groups of muscles that comes on suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes is known as cramp. It mostly occurs in legs. A muscles cramp is also known as a charley horse. In Ayurveda, it is known as mamsagata vayu. For calf muscles cramps it is called pindico-dveshtana. Taking medicines like birth control pills, diuretics, steroids, being dehydrated, lack of potassium, calcium and other minerals in blood, kidneys diseases, thyroid, multiple sclerosis, blood flow problems, carrying out exercises much more than one’s capacity and take in dry and rough food articles may result of its attack. You can try some things to stop muscles cramps like stretch and massage the muscle, try cold or hit pack, take warm shower and use also muscles relaxant medicine.

Bala, rasna, sunthi, amalaki, kashmari, draksha, gokshura, jeevanti, amrita, vidari are very useful ayurvedic herbs for cramps. Jogaraj guggulu, gokshuradi guggulu, chandanasava, drakshasava are internal ayurveda treatment for cramps. Mahanarayan tail, ksheerabala tail, lakshadi tail are some effective external treatment for cramps.